BIZARRE: CNN gaining ratings by reporting on one of its own columnists?
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Mon Sep-29-03 10:03 PM
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BIZARRE: CNN gaining ratings by reporting on one of its own columnists? |
Edited on Mon Sep-29-03 10:04 PM by sgr2
I believe this is a brand new kind of story. It's absolutely crazy! A senior CNN reporter and on-air personality in the very middle of a political and criminal firestorm. Has any columnist or on-air personality EVER been involved in ANYTHING like this?
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Mon Sep-29-03 10:06 PM
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1. Well, Fox hadn't covered it all day |
so the Fox watchers had to go elsewhere. I bet MSNBC saw a bump too.
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Mon Sep-29-03 10:07 PM
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The one thing the Media Borg finds irresistible is itself.
:evilgrin: dbt (Pass the popcorn!)
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Mon Sep-29-03 10:08 PM
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3. lol, I just put my bag in the microwave |
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Mon Sep-29-03 10:09 PM
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4. And this is EXACTLY why this thing will not die out. CNN will beat it |
like a dead horse. Oh the inhumanity!!!
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Mon Sep-29-03 10:18 PM
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6. I think there are 6 other reporters who will want their names out. |
NBC said Andrea Mitchell found out about it after the column, so who are the 6? They won't like being anonymous, not that they'll give out the names.
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Mon Sep-29-03 10:12 PM
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5. It really cracks me up that it's Novak out of all people who this centers |
on. He's got a very short fuse. "Irascible" comes to mind.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:12 AM
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