My memory is probably hazy on this because the story came out in probably May or June of 2003. One of our first soldiers killed in the occupation...
It's just the way that he was killed that was so striking to me. He was just a young guy, and it was a hot day so he'd walked over to a street vendor and gotten a soda to drink. He payed for it and then walked back and stood under a tree for some shade, to drink his soda.
Then someone came up behind him and shot him in the head.
I don't know why, but that story destroys me.
I think it's because what he was doing was so human. He wasn't a big, bad soldier with an M-16. He was a kid in a soldier's uniform, who got thirsty, like we all do, and got a soda to drink. He was just trying to enjoy himself, like we all do, trying to get some shade.
I think of that story every once in awhile, and when I get over the sadness of it, I get *so* fucking angry.
That kid should not have been there, but he's dead because that fucker in the White House said he should be.
He was just a kid drinking a soda in the shade.