I received this email from my bro in Texas today:
It seems pitiful to me that when I say the Iraq war was a bad idea, I get sloganized responses like, "You don't support our troops," or "They're fighting for your freedom!" I saw a photo of an anti-anti- war protester in Crawford with a sign that said "Freedom is not free, thank you Casey" referring to the woman's son who was killed in Iraq.
It is testament to the power of brainwashing that people can still think this war is somehow about our freedom. Haliburton has made billions, and Exxon's profits were up 40% (from 20 billion to 28 billion) from 2003 to 2004. This hardly represents my freedom.
We will get out of Iraq the same way we got out of Vietnam, backing out shooting. The American exit will occur in 2007-08, in time forBush to declare it a success before the next presidential election. I have already promised people that if there are less than 20,000 American troops, AND a peaceful democracy in Iraq in 2008, that I will vote for whomever Bush endorses and send $100 to the campaign. I really doubt this promise will cost me a penny.