Who else is going to Dean's Union Station event tomorrow ?
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Mon Sep-29-03 11:14 PM
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Who else is going to Dean's Union Station event tomorrow ? |
I'm really looking forward to it ! First time seeing him in person.
"Dean + Clark = The Winning Ticket"
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Mon Sep-29-03 11:15 PM
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I was gonna go till I found THAT out.
Correct me if I'm wrong. I'd love to see the guy
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Mon Sep-29-03 11:23 PM
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And I can't think of a better use of $100, and I'm not wealthy by ANY stretch of the imagination !
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Tue Sep-30-03 12:44 AM
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3. Yeah, well, I've got two kids and things have been slow |
and $100 is $100 and I've already sent him some money, so ....
I'll watch on TV I guess.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:06 AM
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