Furthermore, an earlier post from me along the same line, peace people.
There are scared people and ignorant people and misguided and crazy and just plain bad people in the world. Sometimes people do bad things. It is fine to be hurt, to get angry, to get outraged at people being inhumane and hurting people and things. But please try to not over react to any 1 misguided fool.
Save your energy for the bigger fights (Mr.bush and his evil minions for example), harness your emotions to be used in positive ways (such as expessing your sorrow and outrage about this to people who call you radical unfeeling liberals).
And realize that any time one of these fools does something sooooooo stupid as to drive over a line of crosses put up for our dead friends and family, the media coverage that follows will far outweigh that of these fools who does something bumpishly stupid as shooting off his shotgun in frustration at his life being disrupted.
Get the pictures, get the videos, spread them around to ANY and ALL media you can find. But peace, please, peace is what we are doing this for.
Death is not the most frightening thing to me and I do not fear dieing so much as dieing for a really stupid reason. uppityperson