Mike Gallagher, Fox News and the Hateosphere News Hounds
http://www.newshounds.us/2005/08/13/mike_gallagher_fox_news_and_the_hateosphere.phpMike Gallagher, Fox News and the Hateosphere
As News Hound Deb wrote earlier today, Fox News Contributor Mike Gallagher organized a rally to be held near President Bush's Prairie Chapel ranch in Crawford. Gallagher's rally is designed to counter Cindy Sheehan and her supporters who've camped there for a week. Today, in a press release, Gallagher said, "I think we can get at least 50 Texans to join me to support the war on terror."
Evidently, like Fox (it shows a graphic - "War on Terror" - every time it reports on, or from, Iraq), Gallagher hasn't heard that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
Jeez. Seems like it takes an extraordinarily long time for information to travel in the hateosphere. Oops, that's right. Facts don't matter to propagandists.
FOX News Contributor Mike Gallagher To Cindy Sheehan: All We Are ...
News Hounds, CA - 1 hour ago
Hannity & Colmes finally recognized the Cindy Sheehan story last night, 8/15/05. One of the guests discussing Sheehan's protest ...
Is This Any Way For A Network News Contributor To Behave? News Hounds
Mike Gallagher Sinks To Unimaginable Depths in Crawford News Hounds
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