sure, anti-war supporters are behind cindy sheehan because she's anti-war and making headlines.
and sure, anti-bushies are behind cindy because the media is actually showing how she's embarrassing shrub. actually, all presidents have their protesters, and dispensing with them gracefully is politics 101. so cindy's not embarassing the president so much as the president is embarrassing himself by showing us all that he can't even deal with a single protester.
now that shrub decided to avoid cindy (as if that was a surprise), cindy resonates with america for an entirely different reason.
the first amendment right to petition and redress.
that's right. one very fundamental notion about american government, as distinct from all others prior, was that WE THE PEOPLE had the right to confront those in government and ask them a few questions.
issues of iraq and war aside, this presidency is the most insulated in our history. meetings outside the white house are limited to donors and supporters, and even those are carefully choreographed. the press, we all know, has long fallen down on the job and has failed to ask shrub the questions that the american people want answers to.
millions of americans are STARVED for some STRIGHT ANSWERS from this administration.
it may have to do with iraq it may have to do with the deficit it may have to do with gas prices it may have to do with education it may have to do with valerie plame it may have to do with social security
these questions may be from lefties, righties, centrists, whatever. that's not the point. the point is, people are FED UP with propaganda and lies.
with one question or another, we ALL want to just go up to the president and say:
sadly, until we have a real president, our questions will all go unanswered. they may get addressed, but rest assured, they will not be answered.