Believe me, we are the target!!! The Cold War was a fantasy evil Clinton was a fantasy Evil War on Terrorism is a fantasy Evil. And Now We are the fantasy Evil. There is nothing you can do or say to change this. I do not think, I need to explain to any of you, that the minute they say-- “Well he is a liberal”- OR “He is supported by Michael Moore.” That any argument is instantly disqualified. We don’t count.. We are irrelevant. We are lower then dirt on their shoes and they are convincing the general population that this is true. They (the public) believed in the cold war. They believed Clinton was bad. They still believe in the Terrorist fantasy . They will believe that being Liberal or a Democrat is evil too. You can talk till your blue in the face. You can be right 100% of the time. It will not matter because you come from the left and the left has nothing but bad ideas for America. I get excited too, when I hear a Democrat gives it to THEM. But in all reality, It does not count. It will never count, because it comes from the left and the left is wrong and has bad ideas for America. With this said. What can we do??? Defending the left will do nothing at all. It only shows that we buy into their statement enough to spend time an energy working with their looney ideas. Democrats need to say the following over and over on every talk show. I would like to see Democrats say.................
What we believe in, is not what we are here to discuss. Democrats have been around for 200 years and if you have to ask me what we believe in, you better go back to your 8th grade history book. The real problems , and the one thing that ALL Americans can agree on is: The Corruption of big corporations. This is the real evil in our land and the present administration is not protecting us from corporate greed. They are assisting large corporation in the raping of America.
Make Big Corporation the new Evil. Republicans are Big Corporations right hand.
I would like to hear Democrats say when asked about a moral issue.....
“You know.. I would rather not go down this road. Only because, Morality, is only a smoke screen that Republicans use on there base. Many Americans are so distracted by the morality issue that they can not see the real harm the republican party is doing. Morality is important, but not when it is used as a blinder so that Uncle Sam can steal your house, health and livelihood. I will be glad to answer one question on Morality, but after that, I will not contribute to the destruction of the American way of life.
Now that would be a GOOD Democrat.
We HAVE to turn it back on them Just my 2 cents