Dear Friends,
Like millions of other Americans, Progressive Democrats of America is convinced that the U.S. must withdraw its troops from the ill-considered and disastrous mission in Iraq and that the deceit, delusions, and unnecessary deaths must be stopped now.
While President Bush and his advisors are in deep denial about the war in Iraq, popular support for the idea that the U.S. must get out of Iraq as soon as possible is clear and overwhelming. The only real question is how to do so most safely. Because the Administration has consistently failed to answer these questions, PDA is now advancing a plan for Congressional hearings that we believe will provide a reasoned strategy to end the disaster.
Like the public hearings held by Senator Fulbright during the Vietnam War, Congressional hearings on the Iraq War will be turning points in public dialogue. The Petition for an Iraq Peace Process is a realistic, well-reasoned, and rational plan to stop the bleeding. Please read the petition and then send it to all of your friends and allies and ask them to sign it as well. Members of Congress will respond to a broad public demand that the present military course in Iraq must be ended. Together we can make a difference.
Click here for the petition: solidarity and hope,
Tim Carpenter
PDA Executive Director
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