Edited on Tue Aug-16-05 12:14 PM by stopbush
Yes, the media is trying to use this event to paint Cindy as a crazed malcontent, but that will only happen if we allow it to happen.
In reality, the media and their RW handlers have handed us a gift that should be used to *strengthen* Cindy's position:
* With all the pain she's gone through over her son, she's now facing the pain of divorce.*
At least 50% of once-married couples in the USA get divorced. It's a situation and a pain that half the country relates to. Rather than running from this additional nail in Cindy's happiness coffin, we should accept it into the narrative. In fact, it can be argued that *'s illegal war is the cause of the divorce as well as the death of her son.
Believe me, if the divorce was positioned as a *piling on* to Cindy's real woes, the media & the RW would stop talking about it in a heartbeat. It would then be up to us to keep the narrative alive...at which point, the RW would say, "big deal...half the country gets divorced."