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24 Republican House Members Support ANWR Protection

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UrbScotty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-16-05 03:00 PM
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24 Republican House Members Support ANWR Protection
From an email I got:

Last week 24 Republican lawmakers, including three committee chairmen, signed a letter expressing their opposition to including language in the budget reconciliation bill that would allow for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

The letter, addressed to Resources Committee chairman Richard Pombo (R-CA) and also sent to Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert (R-IL) and Budget Committee chairman Jim Nussle (R-IA) states, "We believe that the reconciliation process is an inappropriate venue to be debating this important environmental issue." <1>

"We're happy that 24 members understand and know what a majority of Americans feel, that the budget is the wrong place to include provisions opening up ANWR," said Leslie Catherwood of the Wilderness Society. <2>


The House has repeatedly passed measures to drill in the Refuge, but all efforts have been filibustered and eventually defeated in the Senate. The budget reconciliation document is not subject to filibuster, and if signed by President Bush, it will become law. This means House Democrats, who for the most part are opposed to development in ANWR, must get a substantial number of Republicans on board to successfully prevent drilling.

You can view the letter here if you have Adobe Acrobat.

The membersof Congress who signed it were Jeb Bradley, Sherwood Boehlert, Nancy Johnson, Christopher Smith, Jim Sensenbrenner, Tim Johnson, Jim Leach, Wayne Gilchrest, Sue Kelly, Bob Inglis, Dave Reichert, Charles, Bass, Mike Castle, Mark Kirk, Roscoe Bartlkett, Mike Fitzpatrick, Jim Saxton, Mikle erguson, Chris Shays, Mark Kennedy, John Schwarz, Jim Gerlach, Tom Davis, and Jim Ramstad.

Karl Rove must not be happy.
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bluestateguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-16-05 03:02 PM
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1. Mostly Blue state Republicans
but that's washed out by the red state Democrats who favor drilling.
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quiet.american Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-16-05 03:03 PM
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2. Sensenbrenner on list?! I'm going to faint!!!! n/t
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calico1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-16-05 03:08 PM
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3. Shays and Johnson are from CT.
But my State rep, Simmons isn't there. Doofus.
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