claim to be military members or have family serving. Here is one
Liberals? I am an American. So I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know who you listen to but I have heard all this crap on the right wing shows. Have you ever gone out and talked to military people yourself? Or do you need to be spoon fed. Bush himself Said that "there was no evidence that Saddam was behind 9-11." The weapons inspectors were on the ground in Iraq when Bush said that Saddam had thrown them out. The Senate received COOKED INTELLIGENCE. They made their decision based on lies. Bolton, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld all lied. I am not going to argue the facts of how we were lied into this war because you are either read or stupid. I just went down and read the rest of your email, you are a lost cause. Get a fucking clue you stupid bitch. You send chain mail without even reading it all the way throuth. AAR has beaten Limpballs in his own state. They beat him in every market they go head to head on. Libpall uses numbers in areas where AAR isn't even being played. God you people are stupid. You believe anyting. Have you read the 9-11 commission report yourself? The Clinton administration left behind the first Terrorism Expert Richard Clarke. He BEGGED for a meeting on terrorism. Condi didn't want to hear about it. What was the name of the PDB on Aug 6 handed to Bush in Crawford? Oh Yea, "Bin Laden determined to attack within the United States" "Using planes as missles." Furthermore, Senator Roberson, Senate Intelligence chairman quietly 'fixed' intelligence, and diverted blame from White House over Iraq. I dont know where you get your information but you ought to expand a little and get out of your bubble , try www.rawstory.com. I',m sure your military family is really happy that your Republicans ran over the crosses set up at Camp Casey last night. Really nice. Maybe you aren't aware but there are over a two dozen other mothers with fallen soldiers at Camp Casey right now standing with Cindy. Many more have called in and want to be there but can't or will come by only for a couple of days. Keep attacking Cindy, when you attack her, you attack all mothers. Michael Moore didn't even know about Camp Casey until a blogger told him about it a week ago. He then posted it on his site. He posts things on his site all the time so that people can see what is going on. She doesn't even know Michael. The radio morons keep saying she is with Michael Moore so stupid people like you will believe it. My father was a Marine and he is old now and has a very hard time getting into the VA. Why? The ONLY reason the Repubs funded the VA is because Senator Murray shamed them on the Senate floor for shortfunding it. Of course then Santorum tried to save face and stood on the Floor of the Senate and apologized for not listenting to the Dems and FUNDING THE VA. Rebulicans support our troops by cutting their funding, their pay, housing expenses, no armor, no rifle scopes, no night goggles, no armored vehicles. That's the army you get under Republicans. ----- Original Message ----- From: Lee & Teresa Adams To: Lillian Kaufer Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:24 AM Subject: Re: Liberal Hipocrites
It was a chain mail. It should of said Cindy Sheehan! Casey is the hero. If someone loses a family member, is everything they say after that, no matter how crazy, become automatically unquestionable truth? Dont you get it, everyone knows Michael Moore is pulling the strings. Wake up! Her whole family knows it, they said so in a statement! Why doesnt the media give equal time to the Hundreds and hundreds of other Hero soldiers families that think the exact opposite of Cindy Sheehan?? Liberals are always twisting the truth. They dont want to hear all the facts. Why are they afraid to hear them talk? Not once on TV????????? I do have the video of John Kerry on face the Nation explaning how Iraq was behind it all. Dont you believe John Kerry? His exact words: "People forget...for seven and a half years, we found weapons of mass distruction" (did you forget Saddam used chemical weapons, and killed thousands?) "They are moving the weapons to other nearby countries, to be used against the United States" Liberal radio is the only Hate radio I know of. They are just as vile as your language. Where have you been, listening to Airhead Franken America? Their station ratings were higher in NY when they played 24hr carribbean music. Thats a fact, check it out. They are also being investigated for fraud. Now we are finding out every day that the 911 comission was covering for the previous Impeached democrat liberal William Jefferson Bligh (Bills real birth name). He knew all about Bin Laden, Atta, and did nothing! Weak knee Liberal are all propaganda vial liars! And baby killers. 50 million dead says it all! I have several family members in the military. Do you? Its pretty obvious you dont, unless you hate them for being in the military. Are you sending your kids to fight terrorist or do you just put bumper stickers on your car? Liberals all seem to protect terrorists, and like you, even protect Saddam? He had nothing to do with 911? Wake up! ----- Original Message ----- From: Lillian Kaufer To: Lee & Teresa Adams ; lanekry@yahoo.com Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2005 10:32 AM Subject: Re: Liberal Hipocrites
Where did you get this bullshit propoganda? Casey Sheehan died in Iraq. How is he a liberal hypocrite? Not only is this bullshit crap, you don't even have correct information. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 and you know that now. Bush admits now that there never were any WMD. Read the Downing Street Minutes and the Duelfer Report and stop listenting to Hate Radio and Faux News. How dare you smear a greiving mother who has a First Amendment Right to stage a protest as an American much less paying the ultimate price for that Right. Or did her son die so that our Constitution could be flushed down the toilet. If you don't agree with Cindy Sheehan, fine, but don't smear her. All you people do is attack anyone who does not agree with you. Bush is a lying piece of shit. Wake UP! Are you sending your kids to fight this righteous war? Are you going. If not then Shut the Fuck Up. Supporting our Troops does not include putting a pathetic magnet on your SUV. ----- Original Message ----- From: Lee & Teresa Adams To: mac.lilly@verizon.net ; lanekry@yahoo.com Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 12:36 AM Subject: Liberal Hipocrites
Casey Sheehan: Another Liberal Hypocrite?
1-Casey-Why do you not want to confront the real people who have killed thousands of Americans, including your son. What is your motive to blame America, or someone other than the real killers?
2-Casey, why don’t you meet with all the 911 victims families!
They’ll tell you exactly why we are at war!
Why are you afraid to meet with them??
3- If Bush owes you an apology-Why don’t you apologize to all the millions of soldiers’ families that fought for your freedom- you unthankful hypocrite!
Even her whole family knows she’s a hipocrite! They all denounce her intentions as completely political in a statement to the media.
4-If Bush owes you an apology- Then I guess the Liberal Democrats, who started the Vietnam War, and admittedly designed it to lose from day one, with help from the Liberal media, would also have to apologize to the 48,000 dead Vietnam soldier’s families and relatives?
Why haven’t they done that? They never will!
5-The reason they won’t is that the liberals, the admitted proud architects and engineers of abortion, would then also have to apologize about the 50 Million American babies aborted so far since Roe v Wade!! Abortion is now the leading cause of death among Black Americans!
The weak knee, coward Liberals are responsible for the death of millions of Americans! 50 Million So Far!
When will it STOP!!!