Sit down my children and I will tell you a tale of a great leader. His name was Bill Clinton. He had courage and strength. When he talked people listened. There are those out there who can not stand strength in anything and when they saw President Clinton they understandably felt threatened.
They went after him with everything they had. It took years and millions of dollar. In the end, they could only come up with one small item. It was a lie and not even a lie about something that had to do with his job duties as President.
But we all know the history so I would like to turn our attention to the present. GW is claiming the right to live in the White House. We all saw how this man reacted to 9/11. he sat there staring into space. He then read a book about a goat. When we questioned his ability to act, as a leader, we were given many excuses.
Time has passed since the events of 9/11. GW has had time to re-evaluate how he should act. Let's see if he has become the leader that the country needs if he is to be a uniter and not a divider.
Cindy Sheehan is making a stand outside of the Crawford ranch. She is not a lunatic who just happened to show up. She is someone who has made the ultimate sacrifice of a child. A child who was fighting a fraudulent war.
What would it take out of his day to meet with this woman? He does not even have to do it in public, he could meet with her in private. Then he could send little Scotty out to address the press. How weak does it make this man look when he will not meet with a grieving mother for even five minutes? If he did this then the whole thing would have gone away the very first day. What does it say about his character that he will not meet with a woman who has lost her child?
It has recently come to light that Cindy's son has supposedly written her an email asking her to come home and give support to the family. Whether or not this is true, it has been reported around the internet. By now GW must have heard about it. Where is the man who claimed he is a uniter and not a divider? Why has he not taken this golden opportunity to come out and state that he will not be a dividing influence in a family who already lost so much? Why hasn't he met with her and told her he wants her back with her family as soon as possible and that after the meeting he has arranged for her to be rushed to the airport and flown back to her torn family?
How has our 'leader' done in being a uniter and not a divider? Any time a war breaks out in a country, a strong leader steps forward and acts upon it. The left is being attacked right outside of our 'leader's' ranch. There have been shots fired. Someone has sideswiped a car and almost run over protesters. And, finally, someone ran over a memorial for the fallen men and women of our country. A memorial to the biggest sacrifice one can give for one's own country.
The sacrifice these people have given is not just the breathing of their body. It is so much more than that. It is the sacrifice of never celebrating a birthday with friends and family. Never again experiencing the planning of a child and the anticipation of the little stick turning blue. Hugging your loved one and seeing, in your mind's eye, the hopes and dreams of the future you have just created.
It is the sacrifice of never being able to celebrate your parent's 50th wedding anniversary. Knowing you will never be there to care for your mother when your father passes on and leaves her alone in this world.
The things they have given up is never hearing their child's first word. Not helping them take the first step. They will never catch their child as they fall over. They will not see them off on their first day of school. They will not be there to mend their child's first broken heart stating the person will never know what they will miss out on. These soldiers sacrificed giving away their daughter or possibly throwing their son a bachelor party. They will never know their grandchildren. They will never know anything more.
Where is the uniter when someone runs over the memorial to these fine men and women? Where is he when violence is threatened?
A real leader steps up and takes charge. He goes to the press and tells the people of the nation that such actions will not be tolerated. A leader says he is hurt that people would act in such a vile way. He states that free speech is still alive and to prevent it form being threatened he will send in several secret service folks to stand guard full time. He would make it clear, in no uncertain terms, that violence will not be tolerated.
GW was severely criticized for not being a leader on 9/11. He let down this country then and it is clear he is doing so again. He is not a leader and so our country is adrift in a sea of animosity. It will take a real leader to gather those who have fallen overboard and reunite our country. I only hope we find one before someone drowns.