I wa sdoing some unrelated research and I stumbled upon this article..
This paragraph especially struck me. Yes, it could apply here, but I was mostly thinking of the freeper and reich-wing radio attacks on people like Clinton, and Clark and the media.
Begin quote..
The German's have a phrase which I think is rather expressive. "Flucht nach vorne" means to take refuge in an attack. When a consensus is challenged by an individual or individuals whose investigations are disturbing to the smooth running of a network and its consensus there are several possible responses. The dissident can be ignored. They can be "befriended" or there can be a resort to a "Flucht nach vorne". In this "flight forward" probing and relevant questions get diverted away from the issues by attacking counter questions directed at the "behaviour" of the people making them . Why are you being so obstructive? Why are you being so confrontational? The questions directed at your personality and your "interpersonal skills" cover up an absence of a response to what the obstructiveness is about and what issues underlie the confrontation.
end quote
entire article is here...