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CSPAN Tuesday morning - Shelby

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prolesunited Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-03 07:29 AM
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CSPAN Tuesday morning - Shelby
Shelby is so intellectually dishonest

A woman just called in about $22 billion being spent to reconstruct Iraq and said it's OK because $14 billion was spent on big dig. :shrug:

The caller also said that although it is unfortunate that we are losing troops in Iraq, but more die in auto accidents or through abortion, so we should just put it in perspective.

Very interesting to here these Repug callers say that they shouldn't spend the money here at home. One woman said why bother giving our money to schools simply waste it. Another man said that we shouldn't spend the money here on things like health care because Iraq is more important.

How effective their brainwashing is that they actually can get these people to advocate giving THEIR tax dollars to Muslim foreigners.

As an aside, interesting to note Bechtel also is at the bottom of that mess.
BOSTON, Massachusetts (AP) -- The lead contractor for Boston's massive Big Dig highway project is responsible for most of $1.6 billion in cost overruns, according to a published report.

The Boston Globe's review of construction contracts, change orders and interviews with state officials and contractors shows that Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff was responsible for $1.1 billion of the overruns and has received $264 million more than its contract said it would be paid -- in many cases in order to fix its own mistakes.

The findings also show Bechtel failed to perform basic work, leading to $350 million in overruns; that some construction began with incomplete or erroneous designs, costing another $750 million; and that Bechtel did not heed warnings about problems in its drawings that were later corrected at much greater cost. Neither Shelby or the CSPAN host bothered to correct her figures. Did it go down from $87 billion while I slept?
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MI Cherie Donating Member (682 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-03 08:14 AM
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1. It just goes to show ...
... who the "anti-Americans" really are!

Someone should ask these type of people just how much of "their hard-earned money" they are willing to send to DC via extra taxes to pay for rebuilding Iraq!

Ask them if they are willing to sacrifice their loved ones to show how "patriotic" they are!

Ask them why they "hate America" so much that they would prefer to throw money away in a foreign nation rather than keep it here at home in the USA!

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