a year almost in the making, after a very contentious school board race where one (and only one of many) homophobic/racist candidates was elected. there was only a brief blurb on the local TV news so i don't have a link or anything, but what gobsmacked me was a couple of quotes from this dude i'll paraphrase here,'i don't want my kids being taught that that gay lifestyle is ok. i don't want my children learnin' that gayness is normal or natural or right.' and then later on he had another beaut.' it's all about fairness. if we have a week devoted to african american culture we should have a week devoted to scandinavian american culture.'
NO. you fuckwit we shouldn't. the scandinavians weren't brought here in chains. they didn't have their families ripped apart by slave owners. they had the ability to hold onto their earnings and pas them down to their offspring. it wasn't illegal to teach a scandinavian to read you fuckwit. you wouldn't know fairness if crawled up your ass and bit you on your scandinavian schnozz.