All five letters are in support of Cindy!!!!
To the Editor:
I found President Bush's comments last Saturday callous when he defended his decision not to meet with Cindy Sheehan, the grieving mother of a soldier killed in Iraq.
"I think it's important for me to be thoughtful and sensitive to those who have got something to say," he said.
But then this president, under whose orders more than 1,840 of our troops will never be able to go on with their lives, had the temerity to add, "But I think it's also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life."
In "Lives Blown Apart" (column, Aug. 15), Bob Herbert recounts the heroic story of a soldier, Cpl. Bobby Rosendahl, who has been wounded and maimed in Iraq - one of more than 10,000 similar casualties.
His brave mother says that she will stay with her son until he "is ready to go on with his life."
There are various ways a person "can go on with his life." The way the true heroes of this unfortunate war, and their loved ones, are - or are not - going on with their lives should be honored with compassion.
Dorian de Wind
Austin, Tex., Aug. 15, 2005