Not sexist, but to the point, I hope.
Yesterday, while visiting here in the states, I heard Paula Zahn, in the middle of her program, refer to Cindy Sheehan as "this woman." Zahn seemed to reflect on that pejorative for a few seconds and corrected herself by clarifying "Cindy Sheehan."
Ms. Zahn's contempt for a Gold Star Mother, a mother who has lost a son in the US invasion of Iraq, is patently clear.
Please tell Ms. Zahn that her attempts to smear Ms. Sheehan by bringing up issues of her taxes and whether she pays them or not are inconsequential to the story of an unprovoked war and dead US soldiers being used as fodder by the Bush administration to perpetuate more needless death and destruction. Let's focus on the unprovoked invasion and Bush's failed policy of preemption, Ms. Zahn, of which you are four years past due.
Also, Ms. Zahn, when you ask a question, please don't interrupt the response that is contrary to your own views and those of the Bush administration whose views you are obviously paid to promote.
"Zahn" in German means "tooth." As an American working on a US military base in Germany in support of the military family, I would appreciate less tooth and "lip" from Ms. Zahn during future interviews of military families.
Let's show some respect for these families who suffer the loss of their loved ones, shall we, CNN?