This administration is filled with nut cases! How filled with hate can you be to spend On Million dollars of Taxpayers money on building a "holocaust type museum" to remind people of Saddam's Atrocities?
And that's NOT ALL! Check out what our "Iraq Reconstruction Money" is going to go for in the box on CBS News Webpage!
If Americans had this published in their newspapers and shown all over the cables.....would there be outrage??
Has anyone put this list out on the Free Repug Site? What do they think of these expenses coming out of their tax dollars.
This has me sick!!! How could anyone in their right mind vote yes on this "laundry list" of goodies for Iraq.
Please fax your Congressional Reps about this. They read faxes.......We have to stop this.......It's WRONG!
There's a box on the left which lists what Rummy wants to spend our taxmoney for...more outrages: link.
War Budget Battle Over $20B
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30, 2003
Democrats and some Republicans are hoping to rewrite President Bush's $87 billion package for Iraq and Afghanistan, but top GOP
senators are supporting only a few changes in the White House request. The Senate Appropriations Committee planned votes Tuesday on its version of the legislation, with a showdown afterward in the full
The bill, written by panel Chairman Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, mostly follows Mr. Bush's proposal but would forbid using the money to
repay deposed President Saddam Hussein's foreign debt and limit some flexibility for spending the funds that Mr. Bush sought.
The committee's top Democrat, Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, said Republicans were leading "a mad rush" to push the bill
through the Senate. Most of their focus was on $20.3 billion, the same amount Mr. Bush requested, for rebuilding Iraq's economy,
public works and government.
"Make no mistake: This bill is the beginning of an enormous, years-long commitment to Iraq for a mission that may well be
impossible," Byrd said.
Republicans defended the reconstruction funds as the best way to stabilize Iraq, so that American troops can be removed from a
country where they are suffering almost daily casualties.
"It's risky, really risky," Stevens said. "But if it comes through, we will not have an Army occupation. If it comes through, we're
getting more of our people home."
Republicans and Democrats alike seem ready to support the near $66 billion for U.S. military operations in both countries.