I still can't believe that Rush Limbaugh is screaming about how the GOVERNMENT is harrassing SUV owners!!!! What a lying dipshit! The senate just SHOT DOWN a bit that required SUV's to have the same environmental standards as cars! The GOVERNMENT has subsidized the whole SUV industry with tax breaks! Government agencies area big market for SUVs! To portray SUV owners as "victims" is just ludicrous!
Plus, I still don't buy that he's the most listened to radio show in America, even with Howard Stern only on 40 cites, still, Stern's on FM mostly in most all big cities NY, LA, Chicago, DC, San Fran, Boston, Philly, Detroit, Seattle, Portland, West Palm, Orlando, Tampa, Phoenix, San Deigo, Baltimore, Cleveland, etc. AND morning drive han WAY more people listen to radio-stuck in cars! (Or, SUVs?) Middays are ok for listeners to radio, but NOTHING compared to mornings and afternoon drive 3-7p!
Tax breaks to SUVs, and pennies to fund alternative energy (solar, wind, ethanol, hell if my car ran on PISS, I wouldn't care!) and we wonder why we're stuck sucking OPEC arab oil dick!
Ironically, the best cars milage on new cars was in 1986...WHO WAS PRESIDENT THEN?! You'd think oxyRUSH would mention this 900 times, instead of the GOP talking points memo on how "anti-American" Cindy Sheehan is!!!!!!!!!!!