It's been a while since I have posted, but I have been lurking. (My wife and I welcomed our first child, a boy into the world back in late June, so life has been a bit hectic).
At any rate, I have been following this Sheehan situation very closely. First off, it concerns me to see her plight and her sincerity being ravaged by the right-wing, but I can say that she is by far one of the strongest people I have ever seen, perhaps even the strongest. She has a cause that means something to her and many of us, make that most of us, in this country feel her concern and applaud her effort. She deserves to be heard because her message is true and just, it's not some fringe cause, it's legitimate. Why people cannot see that not supporting this war or its premises (or even this President) does not equate that you are not supporting our troops is beyond even the most basic comprehension. It's a brainwashing by the right wing, similar to that of Imperial Japan, Communist China and Nazi Germany in their times of crisis. Rally behind the flag or you hate your country is what we are told. If you dont suppport our wise all-knowing President, then you are Un-American is what we are told.
We see Cindys plight and her determination on T.V. Many people are rallying to her cause. Many Republicans and Moderates are saying, "He could listen to her, she did lose her son." While this is happening, the right-wing propaganda masters are busy smearing her and discrediting her by creating distance between Cindy and her son, putting her son on the "Hero's Pedestal" while Cindy is framed as a malcontent mother capitalizing on her sons death. This is clearly not working for them, as a matter of fact, its backfiring.
What concerns me is that when the powers that be in the Right-Wing realize this (ala Terri Schiavo and Stem Cells), they are going to go into crisis mode and try to save face by framing the President as a caring and gracious man. What can they do? Several things.
First, they could trot our Emperor out to a soldiers funeral and make a big spectacle about it, he might even say a few words about the sacrifice and how our cause is just. This would create a dream scenario for the talking heads. I can hear it now, "See, Our President does love the soldiers! See! Our cause is just! That woman in Texas is just a liberal America hating loser!". They would effectively cut off the debate (we all know the media would drop the Sheehan issue shortly afterwards) and his participation in this staged affair would give the Republicans ammo to say "He did attend a funeral! You can't be angry that he attended JUST one! He's the President! He has a war to fight!"
Second, they may even set up some closed door meeting with Cindy, without the press, just Bush and his closest advisors with plenty of ground rules beforehand. Then they can say, "We met with her, but she didnt like the answers! So she is a sore loser liberal who hates our troops! Her son was a hero, she should learn from him! She is disgracing his memory!" We can all imagine where it goes from here, but it would put this issue aside because he did, in fact, meet with her.
Third, it continues as it is. A stalemate, with the Bush side closing its lips on the matter and the talking heads moving away, dismissing this whole matter and labeling those that cover it as "the liberal media". This is possible because we all know our Emperor can't remember a time he made a mistake. He is a proud man, smug, but proud and he may play it off like he is superior and has the higher moral ground.
Don't get me wrong, I am firmly behind her and I know most of us can see through these scenarios to the truth. But that doesn't win much for our cause. It's the middle of America (not geographically, but politically) that needs to know the truth about this matter, because Cindy is making progress, she is opening eyes.
In a game of chess, you always try to anticipate your opponents moves. Sadly enough, the Bush teams moves are very predictable, but we can never seem to get far enough ahead of them in the mainstream to nail them to the wall. I'm interested in your thoughts.