It’s like this: It’s a big mess and no one in charge is taking responsibility for it. If you’re going to be a leader, you’ve got to lead. Leading means taking responsibility.
The President of the United States--no offense, he’s a nice guy, I’ve met him, and he’s got some good qualities—just doesn’t know how to delegate.
Or maybe put it this way: when he does delegate, he delegates to the wrong person. If he were a candidate on my hit show, “The Apprentice” he’d be out in the first round.
Condi, she’s a good girl but, I don’t know, something about her tells me she’s just not up to the job - She’s not going to be able to be more effective until she gets more confidence.
Rove was good through the election but lately he’s been letting the team down. It’s not clear he’s going to last through to the final round of this administration.
In any case, Rove's a national operation sort of guy—you wouldn’t want him running the international division. What about what’s -his-name, Rummy—where’s he? He’s still part of the Red Team, right? He hasn’t been fired yet. He’s a tough guy. Let’s use him.