After listening to my children fighting today I realized that the RW is the embodiment of the annoying little brother. Let me explain. What the little brother does is constantly annoy and harass the big brother. They call him names, they pick on him, they torture him until the big brother can't take it anymore. The big brother then smacks the little brother upside the head, the little brother goes crying to mommy about how the big brother hurt him, and how mean he is. Then the big brother gets in trouble and the little brother walks away scott free. I have been on the edge for years now, and the truth is, if a freeper actually had the balls to say some of the shit they say, right to my face I'd be smacking them upside the head like the annoying little brother they are. Then I'd be in jail and the annoying freep would be scott free. I wonder when they are going to grow up....