Busy Day Supporting Cindy, Treasongate, Making Every Vote Count
An unusually busy day for August, but with all of the GOP abuses, there never seems to be a shortage of things to post about.
First, as the
top entry of the Conyersblog indicates, today we launched our effort to enlist at least 1000 individuals to write their local papers supporting the efforts of Cindy Sheehan to meet with the president. With Rush Limbaugh and others in the right wing moving into full a full scale Plaming of Cindy, I think it is important we show our support however we can. Just go to my web site to compose and email and have it sent, and to use the various resources in my new Crawford Action Center. And don't forget to ask your friends and family to write also.
Second, as indicated last evening, today Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) and I wrote to the Justice Department Inspector General, asking him to review whether former AG Aschroft violated ethical requirements in initially supervising an investigation into alleged misconduct by Karl Rove -- his friend and political ally -- regarding the outing of Valerie Plame. Rawstory has the full text of the letter. I was interviewed about this development by Tony Trupiano this afternoon, and will speak to the issue on the Amy Goodman show on Radio Pacifica tomorrow. I will try to get you the audio links to these interviews as soon as possible.
Third, today I wrote to the Kerry-Edwards campaign, urging them not to drop out of the Ohio recount case. The case is at a crucial juncture, and while we know the case will not alter the outcome of the election, their involvement is needed to allow us to establish important legal principles and precedents that will help insure that every vote is counted in future elections. The
Ohio Election Fraud Blog has the letter.
So it was a busy day even before I learned that according to Rasmussen, Bush has hit a new low in his popularity, and that for the first time in history, a sitting Governor in Ohio was indicted on criminal charges.
Blogged by JC on 08.17.05 @ 09:56 PM ET