It amazes me that ANYONE could attack Cindy Sheehan and see her as anything but a patriotic peace loving grieving mother who lost her precious son in Iraq. I am truly flabbergasted. and Cindy Sheehan
Isaiah Z. Sterrett
Isaiah Z. Sterrett
August 17, 2005
INSTEAD OF REPORTING on the recent coup in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, where the pro-Israel, pro-U.S. leader was ousted by a 17-soldier brigade, the U.S. media has been giving undue voice to Angry Mother Cindy Sheehan.
While I'm waiting for answers from an irresponsible press corps that ignored an important event in Africa, Ms. Sheehan's waiting for answers from the leader of the free world in Texas. As of this writing, she's seen greater success.
National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley and a White House deputy chief of staff met with Sheehan for between 20 and 45 minutes recently, which is 20-45 minutes longer than most of us will ever get. She called the meeting "pointless," which is also how she characterizes the war and her son's death. She says she won't leave until she talks to W., who would no doubt say exactly what she's already been told.
In addition to demanding time with the President of the United States, arguably a person with a longer To Do list than a mom from Vacaville, California, Sheehan thinks Bush should be impeached and jailed for war crimes. She also thinks that Israel should get "out of Palestine." She has vowed not to pay taxes, pointing out that she doesn't "owe
a penny." (How much money does she owe Barbara Boxer? Dennis Kucinich? The single mom who works as a janitor at Housing and Urban Development?)