From the Note ""An article that appeared on the Time magazine Web site the same week Novak's column was published said that 'some government officials have noted to Time in interviews . . . that Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, is a CIA official who monitors the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.' The same article quoted from an interview with I. Lewis Libby, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, saying that Cheney did not know about Wilson's mission 'until this year when it became public in the last month or so.'" One obvious implication of this is that the oft-press shy Libby was taking journalists' calls during the period when Plame's name was named, but, of course, that doesn't mean that Libby had anything to do with it."
(So today an unbiased Ashcroft gives an unpredented heads-up to the target of an investigation - and indeed gives direction to the target of an investigation about when they should preserve documents - so the ABCnote asks)"Who at DOJ notified Gonzales?".."Why didn't Gonzales act to preserve material earlier?"
But Ashcroft will be on this because back when he was trying to shut down the 911 investigation, saying there were "leaks", and calling in the FBI to investigate Congressman and their staffs - a bit unusual and unConstitutional - but who notices in our media the good Ashcroft said (as quoted in the Note) "The problem may be especially acute for Mr. Ashcroft, who earlier this year created a task force to review sanctions governing leaks of classified nformation. 'Leaks of classified information do substantial damage to the security interests of the nation,' he said at the time. 'As a government, we must try to find more effective measures to deal with this damaging practice, including measures to prevent it.'" "