beyond Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran...
The vision of the inevitable wars from here to eternity is being presented as a 'given' by our 'leaders' and parroted without question by the media.
The military industrial complex is geared up for our future and raking in the bucks like never before.
Into the new millennium worshiping the gods of war, ready and thrilled to offer endless human sacrifice at the alter. We are told this is the way it is.
Who questions this suicidal path?
Even among the Democrats there is but a handful such as Dennis Kucinich or Cythia McKinney. Only a few dare to even think about rocking the big war boat. This is unacceptable!!
We are dragging our children into a future that raises up and accepts as a given the absolute worst in humanity.
Look at the Pentagon's future aspirations for trillions of dollars of new weapons, space weapons, mini-nukes...
If we can't change the mindset and challenge the very premise of war even being an option in the 21th century, we are heading into deeper and deeper trouble. --- 2005 Department of Defense Budget Release
President George W. Bush today sent Congress his fiscal 2005 defense budget. The budget requests $401.7 billion in discretionary budget authority for the Department of Defense (DoD). This represents a seven percent increase over fiscal 2004 funding levels, after taking into account Congressionally directed rescissions.
The budget maintains implementation of the Bush Administration defense strategy and continues the transformation of the U.S. military to ensure that it has the capabilities needed to counter 21st century security threats most effectively and efficiently. The budget balances support for this long-term transformation with resources for current global operations and requirements.
Pentagon's plans to militarize space have definitely emerged Aug 18, 2005
Star Wars: Empires strike back
By Giuseppe Anzera
Turn toward space militarization
The Pentagon's plans to militarize space have definitely emerged. In mid-May, the US Air Force formally asked President George W Bush to issue a presidential directive that allows Washington to deploy defensive and offensive weapons into orbit. Formally, the new directive was necessary to replace a precedent decree (PDD-NSC-49 - National Space Policy) issued by the Bill Clinton administration, which forbids the indiscriminate militarization of space. While the decree has not yet been issued, speculation over the Pentagon's move already hit the news.
After the 2002 unilateral US withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, worries were raised about Washington's possible start of such a program, for it could transform space into a new battlefield. The US Air Force request, coupled with the April launch of the XSS-11 orbital micro-satellite, increased the concerns of observers and world powers. XSS-11 is specifically designed to disturb other states' military/reconnaissance or communication satellites.
A discontinuance of US traditional policy about the restricted (eg peaceful) use of space could engender a new arms race - which appears economically and technologically challenging and way beyond many states' reach.
Rods from God
On the technological level, the Pentagon's planning is in the advanced stage: some projects - aimed at space weaponization - have already been in place for some time. Among the (partially known) Pentagon's new plans, the two most interesting projects are the "Global Strike" program and the "Rods from God" program. Global Strike involves the employment of military space planes capable of carrying about 500 kilograms (1,100 pounds) of high-precision weapons (with a circular error probability less than three meters) with the primary use of striking enemy military bases and command and control facilities in any point of the world.
..more..more...& more..