do and have done, exposing what was clearly a stolen election.
Although I am fairly new to posting here, after the election that made no logical sense, I found my way to your posts...I read everything I could find that you authored or linked to, ...Thanks for proving with facts that Bush could not have won without cheating (again!).
Aside from the almost impossibility of all the exit polls in all the swing states in error (all in the same direction), how is it possible that Bush wins if Gore voters went for Kerry, new voters broke for Kerry, and former Nader voters broke heavily for Kerry. It still blows my mind.
From TIA post: ----SNIP----
To believe that Bush won the election, you must also believe:
1- That the exit polls were WRONG...
2- That Zogby's 5pm election day calls for Kerry winning OH, FL were WRONG. He was exactly RIGHT in his 2000 final poll.
3- That Harris last minute polling for Kerry was WRONG. He was exactly RIGHT in his 2000 final poll.
4- The Incumbent Rule I (that undecideds break for the challenger)was WRONG.
5- The 50% Rule was WRONG (that an incumbent doesn't do better than his final polling)
6- The Approval Rating Rule was WRONG (that an incumbent with less than 50% approval will most likely lose the election)
7- That Greg Palast was WRONG when he said that even before the election, 1 million votes were stolen from Kerry. He was the ONLY reporter to break the fact that 90,000 Florida blacks were disenfranchised in 2000.
8- That it was just a COINCIDENCE that the exit polls were CORRECT where there WAS a PAPER TRAIL and INCORRECT (+5% for Bush) where there was NO PAPER TRAIL.
9- That the surge in new young voters had NO positive effect for Kerry.
10- That Bush BEAT 99-1 mathematical odds in winning the election.
11- That Kerry did WORSE than Gore against an opponent who LOST the support of SCORES of Republican newspapers who were for Bush in 2000.
12- That Bush did better than an 18 national poll average which showed him tied with Kerry at 47. In other words, Bush got 80% of the undecided vote to end up with a 51-48 majority - when ALL professional pollsters agree that the undecided vote ALWAYS goes to the challenger.
13- That Voting machines made by Republicans with no paper trail and with no software publication, which have been proven by thousands of computer scientists to be vulnerable in scores of ways, were NOT tampered with in this election