The Irish Echo is the largest, most widely read Irish-American newspaper on the planet. This week's edition has a beautiful front-page, color photo of Cindy Sheehan; a great article on pages 3 & 5; and a powerful editorial supporting her.
"Only the most hard-hearted of people could remain unmoved when comtemplating Cindy Sheehan's ongoing vigil outside President George W. Bush's Crawford, Texas, ranch.
"Sheehan, an Irish-American, whose soldier son, Casey, was killed in Iraq in April, 2004, wants to meet with the president. She seeks to express her personal sense of loss and to urge him to bring all American troops home from Iraq without delay. ....
"Cindy Sheehan's pain is beyond what most of us can comprehend. To lose a child is a horror; if one were to believe -- as Sheehan evidently does -- that the loss of that child's life came as a result of a conflict recklessly and pointlessly entered into, the grief must be close to unbearable. .....
".... But it does not seem too much to ask that the president should at least consent to a brief, private meeting with Cindy Sheehan. He has nothing to lose by treating her with grace and empathy."
Support the best darned newspaper in the country, the Irish Echo! Let the editor know you want to see more articles of support for this Irish-American lady.