Ok, so yesterday Oxy Limbaugh made the follwing ridiculous statement regarding Cindy Sheehan (and I have personally HEARD the audio of his drug infused voice spilling forth this venom):
"Cindy Sheehan is just Bill Burkett. Her story is nothing more than forged documents. There's nothing about it that's real."
Nice. So today this fat freakish psychopatic liar claims he NEVER SAID THIS and that the liberal media is making it all up in an attempt to smear him. here is what he said (word for word):
LIMBAUGH: Let me take a brief time out here to address something. I have been the recipient of a pretty decent amount of hate mail, far, far, far more hate mail than I usually get. Just this morning -- and I don't really get a whole lot of hate mail. And most of it's funny as it can be. But apparently there is something that is out there misreporting what I have said. And of course, these people are reading that rather than listening to this program and choosing to believe it.
Apparently, what's out there is that I said that Cindy Sheehan is no different than Bill Burkett, that Bill Burkett lied and Cindy Sheehan lied. They're actually out there, people saying that I am accusing Cindy Sheehan of making up the fact that she had a son and making up the fact that her son died in Iraq. And of course, I've never said this. That I, early on in this, if you wanna go back -- and we'll post the archives on my website tonight just to illustrate this. I'm the one that actually expressed a little compassion for her. And I said I don't really wanna talk too much about her, particularly because she's lost a son here. And that can never be easy. And I don't care -- there are all kinds of different people that have all kinds of different reactions to this. But losing a child is the absolute worst thing that can happen to an adult. There's nothing that rivals it, in my estimation.
So the idea that I think that she's making it all up is just another sign of the desperation of the people on the left who love to take us all out of context to try to get their side riled up. What I said was that the media looks at her the same way they look at Bill Burkett, as an opportunity. It didn't matter whether Burkett was telling the truth or not, and it doesn't matter what the specifics of Cindy Sheehan's case are. She is protesting Bush, Burkett hated Bush. That's why they're attractive to the media, and that's why the media is willing to exploit her.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!!???? THIS GUY IS A FUCKING SCUMBAG LIAR and I'm sure there are plenty of black eyed zombies out there sayin 'yeah, that Rush is sure bein smeared by them there leeberals. They aint nothin but a bunch of liars and phonies.' Oh Christ. My damn head.......I cant take it. So ANYWAY.....tonight, keith Olberman said that Rush Limbaugh was THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD for comparing Cindy Sheehan to Burkett. here is what he most ELOQUENTLY SAID:
OLBERMANN: First, time for Countdown's list of today's three nominees for the coveted title of worst person in the world. Nominated at the bronze level: the wee lads of Gardenstown in coastal Scotland. Police report that some of them while away the late summer afternoons by going to the cliffs and throwing rocks at the people who live and drive below. A policeman warned them, "Playing near cliffs is dangerous, boys." Why did you tell them, sir?
Also, the fine folks at Austin Community College in Texas. Carl Basham says he was denied the state residence discount for tuition. He has to pay $2,600 a semester instead of $500 because they say he spent too much time living out of state. Well, it's true, Carl has been away, serving, he says, two tours in Iraq.
But the winner -- oh, it's the irrepressible Rush Limbaugh. On the radio, he said, quote, "Cindy Sheehan is just Bill Burkett. Her story is nothing more than forged documents. There's nothing about it that's real."
I guess she made up that dead-son-in-Iraq business! He also referred to her supporters as "dope-smoking FM types." I guess the painkillers wipe out your memory along with your ethics. Rush Limbaugh, today's worst person in the world!
HAHAHAHAHA. FU Rush.....and nice shot there keith with the painkiller comment. People seem to forget that this asshole is nothing more than a lowlife drug addict. And what do drug addicts do???? THEY LIE