Edited on Thu Aug-18-05 08:57 PM by woodsprite
12 days with no (or very little) news. I missed DU and did have reminders of it on the way. :) Drove from Delaware to Florida and back. We went down to Disney. Not a whole lot of news feeds down there and no convenient internet access in their campground. It was a nice break. Just got back at 5 today and already on DU to catch up with everything I missed :)
The most visibly blue state we traveled thru was North Carolina. ALOT of support our troops, Jesus Saves, and Bush/Cheney stickers and billboards. Driving thru Virginia, saw a sign outside a house that said something about the Boxer Rebellion - didn't look quick enough to read the whole thing. The whole trip, we did see lots of Kerry/Edwards stickers still on cars, but they were mainly cars from the northeast.
One thing that did make me smile was that in the Hall of Presidents in the Magic Kingdom, Clinton got major applause and cheering while Bush got "booed" quite loudly. My 5yo son said "He started a war mommy". I said "Yes he did start a war". The lady in front of us turned, I thought "Oh no...". BUT she said "He most certainly did and we gotta get our children home".
We took our babysitter (an avid RWer - drives me nuts) but she's REALLY reliable. We were at the pump and she started complaining about gas prices. I started to educate her a bit when she came out with "Man, we should have started drilling for oil 5 years ago in Alaska, then we wouldn't have this problem". I think I surprised her when I turned and said "NO, we SHOULD invest in alternative fuels, but since there is such a profit in oil/gas, that will never happen." I told her a bit about peak oil, about the limited resources available in Alaska, and about Exxon/Mobil's 10 Billion dollar increase in profits over the last year. Needless to say, she pretty much shut up about stuff after that.
Edited to add: Forgot to mention that I saw SEVERAL huge billboards in NC labeled as from the John Birch Society saying "Out of the UN now", etc. and "NC, the most patriotic state" or "NC supports our troops".