I received this e-mail from my brother and thought it was very interesting. I haven't seen it mentioned so I thought I would get your input:
"I caught part of the 8-12-05 Washington Journal last Friday and have been trying to see a replay since. On the weekend it was on the main page but I could not get it to play. I have been busy this week but finally today I had a chance to try to view it again. It was still on the main page but I could not get it to play. I went to the Washington Journal page and to my surprise the list skipped from 8/11 to 8/13, no 8/12. I tried to play the 8/11 and 8/13 shows and they played great! Hmmmmm? Later this afternoon the 8/12 show is gone from the main page and the main page archive, even though other older shows are there. I then went to the Washington Journal page and it still skips from 8/11 to 1/13. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! As I said, I caught the first part of the 8/12 show on Friday. Being the fair minded Democrat that I am I didn't want to jump to any conclusions until I saw the entire show. As you might remember, last Friday the show DID NOT designate the lines Dem., Rep., Pro-Bush, or Anti-Bush, the lines were not labeled. The question was about Bush's handling of the Iraq war or something to that effect. Brian Lamb said it was an experiment, opened the lines and then proceeded to take calls that, as long as I saw the show, were decidedly Anti-Bush/Iraq. I think the first 8 or 9 straight calls were against Bush/Iraq and at that point Brian Lamb made some lame remark about how it didn't mean anything because it was just whoever got to the phone first. Now I've watched Brian Lamb a lot and I know he's a bright guy, and I know he knows better than that. That was a random selection, and that is what happens when you don't try to make an unequal issue appear equal by taking an equal number of calls on both sides. I know it makes better television and one of the callers (Anti-Bush but fair minded) even said that it makes a more interesting show, but it gives the people the false impression of equality when in fact the vast majority of the American people are against this war, know Bush has lied and mishandled it, and are OVER IT! I just got off the phone with Chris the receptionist at C-Span. I had called earlier and inquired about the scheduling discrepancies with the 8/12 show. She says that the 8/12 show has been pulled and will not be available on the website. When I asked why she said something about Howard Stern and his listeners causing a problem with the website or the show or something like that??? Waaaaaaaaaa? I remember on Friday that a Howard Stern caller got through and Brian Lamb remarked that they had stopped all the calls, but that one had gotten through. I didn't know what he meant but it sure doesn't seem like a reason to pull the program from the rest of the world. When I asked Chris, the receptionist, if there was anyone else I could talk to she said no but I could write an e-mail or buy the tape but she again assured me that this particular show would NOT be on the website. I would appreciate a reply because I really don't understand how or why Stern's actions should affect C-Span's programming for the entire world. There must be a better explanation. I appreciate C-Span and depend on it for information I can't get anywhere else.":shrug:
Seems to me the explanation would be that this is proof positive the media is controlled by....... I wonder who......NOT!