That board allows for a broader perspective than DU. On
The Nation, I get to argue with real, live wingnuts.
That post went to
this thread today at 9:20 pm EDT.
Here is the post in its entirety:
A typical right wing post on the subject of the invasion of Iraq might be summarized as:
Bush didn't lie. The intelligence was bad. It fooled him. It even fooled a lot of Democrats. Why weren't you fools fooled? You lefties who weren't fooled should have been fooled because all the best intelligence was wrong and you were wrong for rightly not believing it.
Some of us were skeptical of our court-appointed leader and of the corporate-owned mainstream media, still called "librul" by some for no good reason. Those who got their news from CNN or The New York Times in the months prior to the war were no better informed than those who watched FoxNews and listened to Rush Limbaugh. We lefties killed our television sets and got our information elsewhere. Often, this was the British press, some alternative media and websites like The Nation. We knew that the case being made for war was full of baloney and that the so-called best intelligence was cooked. And we marched against the planned war in February 2003 as informed citizens.
We lefties were right. Bush partisans were wrong.
Bush and his lieutenants, on the other hand weren't wrong. They lied.
Some people believed them and those people were wrong. Get over it.
Posted by JACK RABBIT 08/18/2005 @ 9:20pm