Edited on Thu Aug-18-05 09:21 PM by Mythsaje
It would almost be amusing if it weren't so serious. The right will spare no expense to smear and marginalize those of us who stand in opposition to what's going on in Iraq...they suggest that we are actually harming the troops by giving the enemy more motivation to fight back, that with support dwindling here, all the enemy has to do is step up their attacks and we will become even louder in our dissent.
We're not doing this because of how many soldiers and marines are or are not dying. One death was too many in the name of an illegal war which we were initially lied into supporting.
"We are in imminent danger!" they cried, as falsely as any shepherd boy jokingly warning about a marauding canis lupus. "They're about to attack us!"
This is why we went to war with Iraq, a nation that had never done us harm, nor had the capacity to do us harm. Not in order to free the citizens from a brutal dictator, or to deliver unto them the glories of democracy. Because we were told that they were a danger to us.
Now we're supposed to forget all that and 'continue the mission' even though we STILL don't know what the mission is. To bring democracy? I maintain that this is a difficult proposition when our style of democracy is as inherently alien to the religious principles upon which many--if not most--of the Iraqi people stand as communism is to us.
We oppose the war because it represents a deadly trial our men and women should never have had to face. We oppose the war because callous and evil men and women continue to profit from the deaths of innocent civilians and our troops by decrying anyone who disagrees, who use their sacrifices to further their own agenda and continue the deception being played on the American public.
We oppose the war because it's one we should never have fought, a war that turned the sympathy of the rest of the world into a feeling of antipathy and fear, for the simple price of nearly nineteen hundred American lives and the lives of tens of thousands of innocent civilians.
So marginalize away, Rush, Hannity, Coulter, O'Reilly, Savage, Malkin, and the rest of you. What you're failing to realize is that, with every attempt to smear those of us who see the truth of all this, you marginalize yourself. People are beginning to see through your lies and the shroud of distortion cast upon them by the mainstream media.
The margins are getting bigger and the "center" will not hold. For there are those on the right equally as disgusted with this war, and those who don't understand yet will come to understand...not one of the actions promoted by this administration and its media yes-men (and women) are the actions of anything like a real conservative.
It will come to them that the choice is either to vote for a liberal or a corrupt war-mongering liar's liar...
When they reach the obvious conclusion, you will all be parked in Crawford, at the fence of the former President's ranch, with a bunch of signs saying "Will smear for food."
And it couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of folks.