because I could not stand idly by and watch people sacrifice their lives and the lives of their loved ones for nothing more than a pat on the head by those who arranged and conducted it.
because I could not stand idly by while rich industrialists make millions of dollars off the Iraqi people AND our soldiers alike.
because I could not stand idly by while the mass media spreads a campaign of disinformation over the whole affair and expects the American public to swallow it with relish.
because I grew up seeing the trauma that another unjust war inflicted upon my father of which he would never speak.
because I am not a pacifist, but, as someone who has spent most of his life studying the martial arts, believe that an aggressive act should ALWAYS be used as a last resort.
because I believe that power misused is among the greatest of crimes, and a nation who attacks another that is practically defenseless before it is acting like nothing but a bully.
because I believe that "fighting for our freedoms" starts over here, not over there.
because I believe that this whole thing has been a lie.
because I believe that sending too few troops with too little equipment, with no real mission or plan to do the job properly, is the act of a little man treating our fighting men and women like 'green army men' in a sandbox war with the neighbor kid.
because I believe America is better than that.