(Monica Benderman is the wife of Sgt. Kevin Benderman who was recently sentenced to 15 months confinement for the charge of Missing Movement. Amnesty International has issued an urgent appeal for Kevin’s immediate release, and declared him a Prisoner of Conscience. For more information and updates please visit their website,
http://www.BendermanDefense.org )
Cindy Sheehan and Kevin Benderman are no different, just using a different story to help others see how much we need to reach for a better way. War should be obsolete; it must be, if we are to regain our humanity. We should not have to watch our soldiers load their weapons and prepare to fight others. Sadly, no one can truly understand who has not seen or felt the entire experience. We hope the day will come when no one ever will feel it again. For those of us who have, we look at the sunshine a little longer and dare to walk in the rain. We see our children as gifts, not nuisances. We wake in the morning and do our best to defend good things and brush off the little ones that don’t really matter. We accept what we have as the gifts we must use. We do not take for granted that by being here, speaking out to no longer participate in war, to find a better way, we are fighting for freedom and the right to live, as we believe. We remember that we are not fighting for the right to destroy others or ourselves for the sake of power and control. We do not forget what good is – all the natural gifts we have to share that have nothing to do with money or power or instant gratification. We do not forget the honor in being able to defend Life over the taking of life to solve our problems.