Rochelle Riley infers that Judith is in jail because she's a woman and Novak is at liberty because he's a man.<"On Monday, Miller will have spent more time in jail than any other reporter for an American media outlet in recent history. That will surpass William Farr, a Los Angeles Herald-Examiner reporter jailed in 1972 for 46 days for not revealing sources in a criminal proceeding, says the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. That milestone should not pass lightly.
We should be counting the days as steadily as the clock on the committee's Web site ( Instead, Miller serves while we freedom-lovers pay scant attention."
<"Miller might still carry the baggage of her Iraq reportage, which many believe helped build a false case for war. But every columnist in America should still be writing about her unjust imprisonment. This is my first time. Shame on me. Would I have been as slow to attack my keyboard had ABC's Michel Martin or the Washington Post's Dana Priest been wronged?">