According to... has reported 14,021 wounded over 884 days.
That is 15.86 per day or about 475 wounded per month average.
So there are alot of 'silver star' mothers, wives, children, etc. in addition to the gold star families.
This does not include medical evacuation for other illness or injury or the untold long term psychological and physical effects.
In addition, many tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians' lives have been snuffed out or permanently destroyed through debilitating injury. Meanwhile, there is no end in sight to the killing, maiming, and torturing.
Iraq is fully contaminated with depleted uranium that will be there for 4 billion years. Every soldier and civilian stationed there is being exposed to extremely toxic heavy metal and radioactive dust which will decrease their life span and greatly increase birth defects in their offspring.
The lying criminals who instigated this adventure claim they 'support the troops' and 'care for the unborn'.
Meanwhile, reporters are executed, pictures censored, and witnesses silenced.
This war is a crime against humanity. Denial of the facts will not change the facts. A pre-planned war of unprovoked aggression based on all lies to capture Iraq's resources. Let's see your 'energy task force' maps and notes, Mr. Cheney.
And the facts just keep getting uglier with each passing day.
More US troops killed and maimed.
More innocent civilians killed and maimed.
More depleted uranium deposited.
More billions per month down a desert rathole.
More animosity worldwide toward americans.
More infrastructure destroyed.
There will be no completing this mission. There is no plan to ever leave. Some troops are headed for their 3rd or 4th rotation, some are stop-lossed and can't get out. Some are told to re-enlist and get a bonus or you'll just be stop-lossed anyway.
One brave gold star mother with a lawn chair and a question needs your support. Be there.