Truth is what they make it, narrow roads, WMD's, they create their own reality.'ve really haven't seen the like before. In a recent rant to powerline I wrote
In your post "Closing in on Karl," you state:
This isn't a top presidential aide accepting an expensive gift, or
engaging in lewd sexual conduct. It's a top aide providing truthful
information to journalists in response to lies told to embarrass the
administration and our government.
Please remind all readers what the "lie" actually was.
Rove outed a CIA official who was working on WMD's, regardless of her position this is a major issue.
Let me think, blowjob or outing CIA agents working on WMD's, you know I can't figure out which one is worse.
The reply in all it's spun glory:
The lies (it's plural) were that Cheney (not Plame) had selected Wilson for his mission, the findings in Wilson's report, and his rendition in the New York Times about what was in his report. The Butler Commission and the Senate 9/11 study both thoroughly discredited Wilson.
Rove "outing" the CIA agent is a big issue if she was an agent, if he did "out" her (that is, she was not already known to be CIA), and if he did it knowingly. Otherwise, there's no crime and no real issue, just politics.
Clinton's crime was perjury. If it's shown that Rove committed a crime (even one involving liars like the Wilson couple), I'll be all over him.
My Reply:
Again you are not exactly being truthful. Wilson states in the article in the NYT:
“In February 2002, I was informed by officials at the Central Intelligence Agency that Vice President Dick Cheney's office had questions about a particular intelligence report. While I never saw the report, I was told that it referred to a memorandum of agreement that documented the sale of uranium yellowcake — a form of lightly processed ore — by Niger to Iraq in the late 1990's. The agency officials asked if I would travel to Niger to check out the story so they could provide a response to the vice president's office.” does it state that Cheney sent him? Yes, he says Cheney had some questions about the uranium (well so would I) but he does not state that that Cheney either requested he be sent, or that Cheney even requested the trip.
Of course at this point all responses ceased, reality came crashing down.
Oh well