Edited on Fri Aug-19-05 08:13 PM by Melodybe
My friend Tamyrlin79 just delivered my favorite freeper smack down ever! here is the conversation: One of his friends sent out an email in support of Cindy and this is what transponded.
Response from Freeper about request for Cindy support:
Dear Blank-
Someday, you will understand and hopefully, so will Cindy. I'm sure her son did. Love - You,
Where my good buddy Tamyrlin gets involved:
How condescending. We who support Cindy don't understand??? Just because her son volunteered and fulfilled his oath by performing duty, that does not in any way excuse what the president has done, which is send that boy to fight in an unjust war. Justified self-defense is the only thing that distinguishes a noble conflict from a criminal enterprise. Read St. Augustine and his theories on "just war" if you want some background on this subject.
Basically, the only legitimate use of force is in self-defense. If someone comes into your home with a gun and you shoot them, the ONLY thing that keeps you from facing conviction on a murder charge is justified self-defense. So, too, it is in war. By your logic, the president can sacrifice the blood of our troops for whatever he pleases and that alone makes it a "noble cause". If the president sends our troops to steal the immense treasury of the King of Brunei (one of the world's richest men) just because he wants the money, is that conflict justified simply because the president sent them there and some of our troops died in the effort? Did our soldiers die in a JUSTIFIED cause? Hardly. They died in service of a criminal enterprise (theft) that serves only the interests of the powerful, not the interests of the nation as a whole. Our soldiers volunteer to defend the United States of America. Any use of our soldiers in a way that is not in our self-defense is a perversion of their service in that it uses their sworn oath to compel their service in a criminal enterprise. That is wrong. Period.
Consider what it means to "support the troops" under those circumstances. If our troops are being used to steal, plunder, and pillage, not to defend this nation, is it supporting the troops to demand that they not be used for such evil endeavors, or is it supporting the troops to ask them to "stay the course" in their plundering and pillaging (and, of course, killing)? What does justice demand of us in that situation? Surely, supporting the troops requires challenging the criminal enterprise in which they are being used, not asking them to continue in the perpetration of more immoral, unjustified acts. That would seem to be the moral thing to do.
When Cindy Sheehan asks "What noble cause?" she is asking the president to justify this war. Because as things stand now, we have a war on our hands without any justification: all the shifting reasons given have been proven false, including the only two that ever had any chance of being legitimate reasons: No Iraq/Al Quaeda connection, No WMDs. Thus, Cindy Sheehan is asking the president to prove to her, the nation, and the world that he's not guilty of murder by sending her son to die in a war that was not waged in defense of the United States. She's asking him to explain what reason justifies her son's death, what reason justified invading Iraq. And she deserves an answer for that charge. The Nation deserves an answer for that charge. If there is no justification, then the war cannot be legitimately continued. To continue it under those circumstances is to ask even more troops to die in vain in service of an unjust cause than have already done so.
Someday, hopefully you will understand the difference between just causes and unjust ones. I'm certain Cindy Sheehan does.
Freeper response: Once again I have asked not to get CRAP like this on my work email.
Tamyrlin: You've never asked me. I don't know you. *shrug* But since you were responding to me, here's my reply.
Freeper Response: I have two family members lost in past wars two living brothers who chose to serve and an ex husband. We go on...
Tamyrlin: And that matters because...??? I have family also lost in wars stretching back to the American Revolution as well as family who have served. So, don't play that card with me. Just because you have family in the military, that doesn't grant you some de facto patriotism.... Sorry, but patriotism isn't paint that just rubs off on those around. But I guess you are one of those that thinks patriotism is just a magnetic yellow ribbon stuck on your car?
Freeper: I love George Bush and support him totally. This nutty ass woman did get to meet with Bush already. HE KNOWS ok.
Tamyrlin: Maybe he does know, but that's not the point, is it? The point is to hold him accountable for lying by demanding he tell the truth to the American people.
Freeper: Just like the rest of us. It is awful. I think Cindy needs some therapy and legal mind repairing drugs like some others.
Tamyrlin: That's right! Medicate principled dissent! So much for freedom of speech, right? It's sad when people like yourself have family in the military but apparently don't give a damn about the ideals, freedoms, and liberties they are asked to defend and die for. Why do you hate America?
Freeper: Get a life and let me get to work ass hole.
Tamyrlin: Ooooo... Now you've resorted to name-calling... and cursing. Please note that I did none of that. Rather, I presented an argument that you clearly can't respond to legitimately, so you have to call me names. And they call those of us on the Left "angry". Well, it's clear that the right is angry, too, AND mean-spirited and vitriolic to boot. I'm angry about an unjust war that wrongly sacrifices our soldier's lives... Why are you so angry?
Freeper: Better yet why don't you join the "lets get Saddam free so he can fund the Tailban so they can kill more of us right here in our own country fan club"
Tamyrlin: How about not putting words in my mouth? I'm glad to see that you can faithfully parrot right-wing TV pundit talking points on cue, but no one said anything about freeing Saddam. But getting rid of him was not enough to justify a war. Can you honestly say that if you were told before the war that "We should invade Iraq to get rid of Saddam" and that was the only reason, then you would have still supported it? There are plenty of dictators in the world, including in our allies of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and so forth. Perhaps you'd like to invade them all? And recently on Iraqi radio, one man was quoted as saying "Before the invasion we had Saddam, but now we have a thousand Saddam's". That would also be the case about Al-Quaeda. I suppose in your oh-so-unlogical universe you think that giving Osama thousands of more recruits is a good thing???
Freeper: ......JESUS HELP YOU
Tamyrlin: I don't think Jesus has anything to do with it. Tell me: Who would Jesus bomb? You sure are war-hungry to claim to follow the man known as the Prince of Peace. Perhaps you have a different Jesus in mind? One that supports unjust wars, torture, imprisoning people without trial, lying, war profiteering... the list goes on... If that is the Jesus you refer to and worship, then you can keep him because he's nothing but the Devil wrapped in pretty God-looking clothing.
A pity you are so entranced by the appearance of virtue that you cannot see through to the evil that lies beneath the veneer. If we paint up a brothel to look like a church, you'd suddenly have no problem with the prostitution that goes on inside, right?
It's too bad that you allow your faith in God to blind you to the evil of man... in this case the oh-so-glaring corruption of George Bush. You can follow him if you want to. But don't you dare blame the rest of us when you find he's led you over a cliff and into the maw of Hell, because we tried to warn you, just as the prophets once tried to warn the Israelites of the consequences of their actions. They didn't listen either. The wrath of God is righteous, and I can't imagine he looks at all favorably on the actions of this administration. If he does, then he's no God I'd care to follow anyway. My God is one of truth, love, peace, and justice. You can keep that hateful, warmongering one of yours.
Freeper: Sincerely and thank you, ****** Tamyrlin: Sincerely and you're welcome, Tamyrlin79
************************************************************ Bravo for Tamyrlin, by using honestly and logic in the smack down!
:applause::applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: