My boyfriend and I took off from work and put in excess of 80 hours of incredibly intense, stressful effort into shooting video at Camp Casey last week and then editing it as well as we could within 5 days to try to make a powerful, 7-minute pro-peace documentary; and I got very few responses from DU'ers despite several postings.
Our piece is uploaded to Current, and if folks would just DU it to get lots of "greenlight" votes, we could essentially get a FREE, 7-minute pro-Cindy advertisement broadcast on TV! The folks who saw our piece seemed to think it was quite good, the best of the amateur Cindy video they'd seen so far. But we couldn't have gotten more than 20 or 30 votes from DU'ers on the Current site, if that.
Hope I don't sound too negative, but I thought it might help you to know, you're not the only one.
(If you're interested, you can see our video at . It's called "Grace at Camp Casey." To vote for it on Current, you have to hit the "greenlight" button at . It'll prompt you to register, but it's minimal.)
Don't take it personally, and don't give up. Even though the DU response to our video was underwhelming, other folks are looking at it--we're up to 6,278 hits on our main video page since we put it up 4 days ago.
(B.t.w., thanks to all the great DU'ers who DID go vote for "Grace"!!!)