We ask ourselves how the left has been so eviscerated, and why the Democrats (with the notable exceptions of such luminaries and John Conyers and Cynthia McKinney) repeatedly "roll over" for the right wing.
There are "conspiracy theories" about 9/11, about anthrax attacks on Democratic Congressmen, and about the assassination of Senator Wellstone. There are provocateurs providing pretexts for police riots (i.e. where the police are rioting against peaceful demonstrators) at peaceful demonstrations against the WTO and/or FTAA. One of the largest reasons why these notions are dismissed is because it's not considered plausible that US intelligence agencies would commit acts of terrorism themselves against Americans.
Even so, we're aware of "false flag attacks" in distant history, 40 years ago (Gulf of Tonkin) or even 107 years ago (USS Maine), but not any recently. But they have in fact continued throughout recent times elsewhere. Italy, in particular, has provided particularly meaningful exposure to underhanded NATO and US -sponsored terrorism. Curiously, it's for a rather clear and ideological purpose: to shift political climates to the right by discrediting leftist organizations. It's believe that the Red Brigade attacks and the assassination of Aldo Moro are instances of such false flag attacks.
Unfortunately, there is little direct or reliable evidence of what's going on in the US. In Italy, on the other hand, much more has been revealed.
The BBC has reported on
Gladio and
Propaganda Due in a very limited form. The broader web turns up much more about Italian appeals to NATO's ACC regarding the assassination of Aldo Moro, the testimony of captured terrorists who were discovered to be parts of such, and how these terrorists are part of organizations called "stay-behind armies" intended to serve as guerrilla resistance in the event of a Soviet invasion of Europe. They take the further steps of suggesting that these "stay-behind armies," in the wake of their irrelevance and uselessness because the threat of Soviet invasion was negligible, turned to acts of terrorism to discourage left-leaning political parties in Italy and other countries in Europe. Only 3 countries, Belgium, Switzerland, and Italy, have investigated their own "stay-behind armies," but the results of these investigations have remained secret.
More material can be discovered by googling for "strategy of tension" and "Gladio" and "Propaganda Due" (all with quotes).
The ultimate notion being driven at is that there is a history of alliance of the European stay-behind armies with US intelligence agencies suggesting that there is a very recent history of US intelligence agencies sponsoring and collaborating with organizations using terrorism as a tactic to influence politics. These "stay-behind armies" and their acts of terrorism indicate that tactics are being used by NATO and US intelligence agencies in Europe, and given that, there are few, if any, impediments to their being used within US borders.