t r u t h o u t | One Mother's Stand
There Is Such a Thing as "Too Late"
By Ray McGovern
Saturday 20 August 2005
8:30 PM
President Bush still refuses to meet with Cindy Sheehan, the Rosa Parks of Crawford, Texas, but there is some good news. While Crawford's Camp Casey (named after Cindy's son killed in Iraq on April 4, 2004) continues to be short on amenities, a sympathetic neighbor has given the hundred or so friends I left there on Wednesday a field in which they can pitch their tents. No longer will they have to try to sleep in the seven-foot wide ditch alongside the road, with local pick-up trucks and Secret Service SUVs whizzing by honking reveille at 5:00 AM. In addition, newly donated tarps are providing some protection from fire ants by night and the 105-degree sun by day.
A rumor ran through the camp that Karl Rove set loose the fire ants into the ditches in the same way he has loosed the rabid talk-show-dogs that have been barking at Cindy. But it turns out the ants are indigenous - like other local pests.