I posted
a thread last night about
a thread at Daily Kos in which a woman was interviewed about her political views while pumping gas in Oklahoma. Here views were, well, interesting:
Interviewer: "Where do you get your information about the war?"
Woman at the pump: "The Bible and the 700 Club. I also listen to preachers who know what's going on. Pat Robertson."
Sure, we were all blown away by the woman's comments. Well, guess what: she is not as dumb as the Kos post made her out to be. She is also much, much scarier. She actually found the blog, logged on, and is kicking ass in a flamewar. Go to the
OP's blog, re-read
that specific interview from the 17th, and then read the comments to see for yourselves:
At 7:26 AM, Mary Fowler said...
To Morticia,
Thank you for the compliment. As for my level of critical analysis of complex issues, do me a favor.
Go to www.wallbuilders.com and read research done by Texan, David Barton. Also www.hilton-sutton.org, this minister has done extensive research on what the Bible says about the end-time nations and their role and America as a nation of peacemakers. There are many men of God such as Rod Parsley, D.James Kennedy, Pat Robertson, just to name a few who, can put it more eloquently in terms you may understand. All these people have answers for people's dilemmas that come from the Loving Creator of this world. As in any household there are rules laid down by the head of those houses. God is the boss of this world. He's like the wise loving parents who lay down rules to protect their children from those things that are detrimental to their well-being. If you were like most children or teens, there were times you thought you were smarter than your parents and broke the rules anyway. If you were allowed to reap the consequences of those actions, hopefully it was a lesson learned that parents were indeed wiser than you.
When God said it was an "abomination" for a man to lust after another man, and woman to do the same, He says this because He is the wise Father of us all, and does know what is best for us. Aides is a compensation in thier bodies for their disobedience and rebellion to the way God intended. And it breaks His heart for anyone to suffer with that, but He has the cure for those who will call out to Him, turn from the thing that brought on the curse and allow Him to heal, restore, or give them the assurance that if they did pass on, they would enter into Heaven with Him, instead of Hell with those who chose to hang on to thier disobedience and rebellion.
If you really desire to see what God is truly like please visit my favorite, www.Revival.com and watch a live broadcast or an archive.
At 8:00 AM, Mary Fowler said...
Apparently some things were lost in translation and sometimes it's easier for me to express how I feel by writing. I think you will understand that, Rose. I was not implying that homosexuality alone was the cause of America's problems. Abortion, pornography,lack of respect of God and His Word, these all contribute to the downfall of any nation or people.
You seemed to not want to mention the nations I cited for some reason. Haiti, Africa, and Iraq are the nations I gave as an example of those who turned from God to do as they wanted. Haiti made a pact with Satan to serve him, up until this last election when a Christian man was elected. Witchcraft and satanism are directly in opposition to the Word of God. Take that up with Him, I didn't make that rule. Haiti and Africa were nations of paganism, witchcraft, false religions and other forms of idolotry. As for Iraq and other nations with muslim religions, most seem to serve an Allah that is so opposite to the Loving God of Christianity. If you study the Old Testament, you can see that whenever the children of Israel would turn from God and go after other gods, the curses of lack, disease, and no peace would always accompany that decision. God, like the Loving Parent He is, weeps over the pain and suffering they endure because of their disobedience. He waits with open arms for them to return to Him and restores their fortunes, health and peace when they turn from their evil ways and choose to obey Him with all their hearts. God is a God of love! Read the Bible starting in Matthew in the New Testament. The four gospels are where my eyes were opened to see the love of Jesus and the Love of Father God. Thank you.
At 8:41 AM, Anonymous said...
And 150 years ago, all the arguments made against homosexuals by Mary and others were made as reasons for keeping blacks as slaves.
I'm sure there are a lot of statements in the Bible that Mary doesn't follow, such as Deuteronomy 22:28-29 or Exodus 21:4, for instance.
At 8:50 AM, anti-racist said...
have a nice day,
At 9:33 AM, Anonymous said...
I think this demonstrates very clearly that we must figure out a way to get the disenfranchised people to the polls. The poor couple who said they don't vote is a prime example, they don't believe their vote will make a difference. We need to figure out how to reach people like that.
At 9:39 AM, Mary Fowler said...
Would you care to elaborate on your statement. I am against slavery of any kind, including, women and children. These are affected in other nations by evil men who make women and children sex slaves.This is happening in India and other nations.
I do not see how you are comparing black slavery with homosexuality. Blacks didn't choose to be slaves, it was forced upon them by others. This is true with some homosexuals, they are molested by someone with that spirit or looking for the love of a mother or father, they lacked in childhood. Some choose to remain that way due to feeling they were made that way. But when you get down to what God says, it's wrong. There is healing and deliverance,just like there was emacipation for the slaves.
Read the whole blog. It's worth it.