Where are you?
Sliding scale $25-$250, please don't sign your kids up due to money issues.
Announcing the Northwest Regional "Not Your Soldier" camp- a student activist training camp for youth 13-22 years old.
August 29- Sept. 1, 2005 near Goldendale, WA
sliding scale, $25-$250 SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE
price includes meals, housing, transportation, activities and workshops
to register, go to www.notyoursoldier.org , follow through to NW camps.
We are arranging for bus transportation to bring folks to the camp.
One bus will depart from Port Townsend and head south, picking up
campers on the way to Goldendale. The other bus will begin in Eugene and head north to meet us there.
The camp is being hosted by the Teen Peace Project in Port Townsend, WA, assisted by students from Seattle and Eugene, Oregon. The camps are a joint project of the Ruckus Society, Code Pink, War Resisters League and Teen Peace. This will be the first of several camps offered across the country. For more information, visit- www.notyoursoldier.org
Students have been involved in planning the camp- selecting the
location, workshops and activities. The focus of this event is to
empower young people to return to high school and college campuses ready to oppose military recruitment and work to demilitarize their schools.
We need financial support, and any contributions will be used to offer student scholarships. We also need help to spread the word- we are nearing our first day of camp!