Edited on Sat Aug-20-05 06:02 PM by Chichiri
Condi Rice was in charge of security on September 11, 2001 -- the day of the worst security lapse in the history of planet Earth.
That alone justifies a place for Dr. Rice on this list. But as it happens, there's more.
Rice, formerly Bush*'s National Security Adviser and now the Secretary of State, became famous for saying "We don't want the smoking gun to turn into a mushroom cloud." She was, of course, talking about the Weapons of Mass Distraction.
Rice, a Professor of Political Science at Stanford turned poster-girl for the GOP, also has significant ties to Big Oil. In fact, she is, so far as I am aware, the only person on this list to have an oil tanker named after her! The tanker Condoleezza Rice belongs to Chevron, where Rice was a board member and stockholder.
According to one of the "Downing Street Memos," written by British Foreign Policy Advisor David Manning, Rice was committed to "regime change" in Iraq as early as 2002. She also said, not long after 9/11, that this national tragedy presented the Bush* administration with "an enormous opportunity" for the implementation of its agenda in the world. With other notables from the Bush* administration, she helped present the false case for the war in Iraq to the American people. US Senators were told that Iraq could launch drone planes to drop toxins along the East Coast, for instance.
Another great accomplishment in America-screwing would have to be her role as Bush* administration apologist for allowing the 9/11 attacks. In May of 2002, she stated that Bush*'s briefings contained only "a general warning of threats and largely historical information, not specific plots," and "I don't think anybody cold have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center (...) that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile." However, according to the 9/11 Commission Report, the intelligence community had reliable information, as late as the summer of 2001, that terrorists were contemplating using exactly that tactic.
Rice also tried to glibly brush aside a now-infamous Presidential Daily Briefing given to Bush* in August of 2001 -- the one entitled "Bin Laden Determined To Attack Inside United States."
If you're interested in reading a giant list of lies contained in just the opening statement of Rice's testimony before the 9/11 Commission, check out this web page from the Center for American Progress.
George W. Bush*, of course, rewarded her incompetence by appointing her Secretary of State. So the woman who, according to the Washington Post, was "one of the weakest national security advisers in recent history in terms of managing interagency conflicts" is now in charge of managing global conflicts. I don't know about you, but I feel pretty screwed.