My transcript of Moon's video, for easy reference. Did you know that "God's painful heart was eased" by U.S. Congressmen? I never realized that this work fell to the legislative branch.
WHOOSH. People are playing drums. Energy beams are whooshing around the solar system. Children frolic. There's a Video Toaster whirlpool effect.
The great march of human history towards peace!
Choral music. We see a forest. In a window, footage of famous authoritarians appear: Stalin, then Kim Il Sung. Finally, Sun Myung Moon.
The 20th century was a dramatic turning point in history, when humanity crossed through the Pass of Freedom, and traversed the Sea of Equality, to finally approach the Gates of Peace.
Airlines, people going to work, making phone calls, using the Web. Then: Action music. Footage of important 1990s events in the time-honored style of "Right Here, Right Now": tanks, etc. Then Moon's "Crown of Peace" music comes in.
The Cold War has come to an end, and now: a new world of peace, without national boundaries, so longed for by all people and nations, is about to dawn.
We see Moon's festivals in the Middle East.
The power of true love in action, guided by a vision for an ideal world. The dream of surmounting the high walls between religions. Between races. Between nations. And between world views. Is becoming a reality.
The era of the Eternal Peace Kingdom, one global family under God, is upon us.
Moon's logo whooshes around a number of scenes, including a picture of him as king. The effect is similar to those in M.C. Hammer's "2 Legit 2 Quit" video.
Title card: TRUE PARENTS' CROWN OF PEACE CEREMONY. The music now gets jaunty as we see the Washington Monument.
On Mar. 23, 2004, in the Dirksen Senate Office building, in Washington, D.C. in the U.S., 81 U.S. Senators and Members of Congress...26 ambassadors to the United States...and some 450 leaders from various fields...came to participate in an Ambassadors for Peace Awards...and Crown of Peace Ceremony.
The program for the evening was presided over by the respected Baptist minister and civil rights leader Rev. Walter E. Fauntroy, who served in the U.S. Congress for some 20 years.
We see Fauntroy, then Rep. Curt Weldon speaking.
The evening began with congratulatory remarks from representatives of the Senate and House of Representatives.
Music fades.
Always standing up for what is right. Consistently standing up for peace. And I'm so pleased that he will be receiving an award tonight, for he richly deserves it. And I've come here, #1, to thank you for what you do, every day.
As an ancestor of the white settlers, the pilgrims, and those who moved westward, pushing out the Native Americans, I stand here as a representative of my people in a spirit of repentance for the Trail of Tears. Which we imposed upon the Native Americans (of this country.)
Following this, awards were presented to the Ambassadors for Peace <...> where there was hate, they gave love. Where there was conflict, they brought reconciliation...
The shofar-blowing rabbi is shown prominently. We also see awards resembling Olympic gold medals.
...drew applause, as each person was honored for living for the sake of others...
This goes on for a while. Moon is in the audience clapping. And then:
And a miracle happened that day. One rabbi, seeing Christians, Muslims and Jews coming together in a spirit of reconciliation, suddenly came to the stage to give a prophetic proclamation.
Angels Malochim run to this holy chair of the throne room. They say, Is it time for the true Mesioch to come? Is it time for the true Messiah to come? I will now do this. Because
I have never seen this miracle, where Jews, Christians and Muslims COME TOGETHER FOR PEACE!
He toots the ram's horn. Now we cut to Illinois Rep. Danny K. Davis at the podium.
I was reading this poem, 'Crown of Glory...'
Davis now reads a poem Moon wrote at the age of 16, which Moon recently entered in a phony poetry contest scam.
Archbishop Stallings, who left the Catholic Church to follow Moon, now shows up and gives a speech.
...Now it is time for America to OPEN UP ITS HEART open up her heart ... and to receive this gift from God who has come among us as one who stands in the spirit of Jesus The Christ to lead all of us in the work of restoration. If you open up your hearts to receive him, your minds will follow.
Moon gives an 'Aw, go on' look and the crowd applauds.
UPI publisher Chung Kwak now takes the stand.
True Father, and True Mother are sure the champions of peace...the King and the Queen of Peace, and the King and Queen of the second and third Israel!
People move into position for the crowning ceremony, as wedding-ish music takes over. Someone puts a royal robe on Moon and his wife.
The highlight of the occasion was the Crown of Peace Ceremony...
Someone is talking the group through the event:
The fruits of their labor...Muhammad, the Buddha and all the saints have proclaimed that True Parents are now receiving the mantle. Religious leaders will present the mantle of anointed....
ANNOUNCER (over him)
...which was held in an atmosphere of reconciliation, love and respect. God's painful heart was eased. And hope for humanity elevated. Indeed, it was a moment engendering great optimism for the future.
People are bowing and bringing Mr. and Mrs. Moon beweled crowns on velvet cushions.
...Religious leaders of the world. The honorable Roscoe Bartlett representing the United States...
An announcement to God was read aloud. Commendations from present and former heads of state were presented...(lists Third World countries) ... and Congressman Dennis Hastert, the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.
The Moon Theme swells up.
With delegates from the world's nations...regal robes and crowns were offered to Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon by prominent Protestant and Catholic religious leaders and Congressmen of the United and States followed in procession by Islam, Joo-dism ...and the world's religions. This was greeted by thunderous applause.
Moon has taken the stage. He speaks fiercely in subtitled Korean, gripping the podium:
I am God's ambassador, sent to earth with his full authority. I am sent to accomplish His command to save the world's six billion people, restoring them to Heaven with the original goodness in which they were created.
The five great saints and many other leaders in the spirit world, including even Communist leaders such as Marx and Lenin, who committed all manner of barbarity and murders on earth, and dictators such as Hitler and Stalin, have found strength in my teachings, mended their ways and been reborn as new persons
The declaration of God's fatherland and the era of the peace kingdom, the realiziation of God-centered families, and true peace. A flood of emotion filled Rev. Moon's heart as he proclaimed the fundamental, concrete, eternal plan for peace. Tears came to his eyes. He had invested 33 years of his life in America and had rose from the position of servant of servants to become the King of Peace.
Like the Roman Empire, 2,000 years ago, America, a Christian nation, stood with the mission of realizing God's ideal. And spreading this ideal to the world. Knowing this, Reverend Moon was able to endure the racial discrimination and religious persecution he encountered, overcoming these with love and devotion.
People in the audience look touched.
Father and Mother Moon proclaimed the dawning of a new movement called the Family Federation...
We see bejeweled crowns on velvet pillows.
...for the ideal kingdom, through peaceful unification of heaven and earth.
Standing applause.
Senators and Congressmen and representatives of all the families of the world joined in.
God's fatherland IS the ideal heavenly kingdom of Cosmic Peace and Unity. From the beginning of the universe and on into eternity...the kingdom of heaven has now begun...
In the 21st century, our history is going to melt away...
(This goes on for quite a while)
Like a candle that burns down, sacrificing itself to give light to the world, the light of wisdom and hope will shine from the headquarters of world governance -- the "Peace United Nations" -- into all realms of life. This light will radiate beyond the high barrier separating nations and nations and will illuminate the road to peace, the path to fullfillment of humanity's hopes and dreams...
Now is the time for global governance centered on God. Rev. and Mrs. Moon, together with world leaders, WILL take the lead in creating a world without boundaries. Filled with true and lasting love.