Edited on Sun Aug-21-05 07:05 AM by Joanne98
I'm posting this in honor of the Able Danger salesman who was just on Washington Journal. This is a Wayne Madsen report from the other day. It basically says, this scandal is just one more Bushco coup attempt on the intel community and a effort to use the War on Terror to spy on US citizens.(police state mission creep) I hope this helps anyone who is confused.....READ LAST PARAGRAPH FIRST! August 20, 2005 -- More on Able Danger and the gutting of the U.S. Intelligence Community. In many respects, the Pentagon's non-action with regard to the warnings from the Able Danger counter-terrorism Special Operations team about the threat posed by Mohammad Atta and three other hijackers was as serious a breakdown in the intelligence system as the roll up of Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster Jennings & Associates non-official cover counter-proliferation team (and its global assets). This is what we now know about Able Danger. The team, composed of members of the U.S. Special Operations Command, headquartered in Tampa, Florida, used data provided primarily by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) to track terrorist cells abroad and inside the United States. The Able Danger team used data mined by sophisticated DIA (Threat & Warning Intelligence groups), NSA, and military service information warfare elements that used "deep drilling" web and non-web connected search tools to identify information linked to targeted terrorist cells. The threat and warning indication intelligence came from systems operated by the Army's Land Information Warfare Activity (LIWA) at Fort Belvoir, Virginia (now known as the Army's First Operations Command ), the Naval Information Warfare Activity (NIWA) at Fort Meade, Maryland, and the Air Force Information Warfare Center (AFIWC) at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Some cover names for projects associated with the data mining and reporting are Sensor Harvest (Air Force "Country Build" database system targeted on such threat nations as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen), Oilstock (NSA geographic information system), the IW Mission, Planning, Analysis, and Command and Control Targeting System (IMPACTS) (Navy, offensive information warfare), Retract Barley (Navy), Constant Web (Air Force signals intelligence fusion), Rigel (Navy, counter-narcotics/narco-terrorist intelligence fusion system -- which may have alerted DIA and other intelligence agencies to Atta's reported heroin smuggling activities from Afghanistan and Pakistan in the 1990s), THREADS (Threat Humint Reporting, Evaluation, Analysis and Display System) (Air Force/NRO), and Topsail (CIA-NSA-DIA).
It is also known that, along with US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) lawyers, it was USSOCOM Commander, Gen. Peter Schoomaker who put the kibosh on informing the FBI of the Atta team threat as early as 1999. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld shocked the Army general staff when he pulled Schoomaker from two years' of retirement to become the Army Chief of Staff, a move still considered highly unusual in the Army. Since becoming Army Chief of Staff, Schoomaker has ensured a continued cover-up of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo torture, as well as hard evidence of U.S. war crimes (involving psychological warfare operations) in locations like Fallujah and Nasariyah, Iraq.
Special Operations Command's Able Danger team received threat & warning intelligence and targeting data about Mohammad Atta and his three-man team from DIA and other intelligence agencies beginning in 1999. Rumsfeld's hand picked Army Chief of Staff, then-Special Operations Commander Gen. Peter Schoomaker, prevented "Team Atta" from being taken out. Another indication that 911 was likely a "false attribution" program run by neo-con cells in the United States and abroad.
In addition to trying to lay blame on 911 on Bill Clinton, Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) has a vested interest in pushing the story about DIA's data mining successes in enabling the Able Danger team to track "Team Atta" prior to 911. Weldon's "NOAH" data mining pet project, which has been partially funded by LIWA's budget, is centered in his suburban Philadelphia district. For more information on Weldon, data mining, and NOAH, click here.