The boys say his two handed set shot is a hoot to watch. They are trying to teach him a jump shot but he keeps lookin behind him to see if he's gonna get goosed."One interpretation: Frist is seeking the comforts of a familiar environment after taking a beating from religious conservatives over his stem cell announcement. In breaking from President Bush's more restrictive approach, Frist was merely returning to his original position on the subject. But Focus on the Family founder James Dobson called Frist's reversal "the worstkind of betrayal."
A daily letter from the road, posted on Frist's Web site, is written in a wistful tone. Referring to a YMCA visit on Tuesday, Frist wrote, "It's fun to go into a community and spend time with people exercising at the local Y. We shoot hoops, take a jog around town, and talk about life in general. . . . It's an interesting retreat from answering questions on issues and current affairs."
Pssst hey Bill, I found a place for you to hide. You might want the asbestos lined model. Besides you're a doc; you know that asbestos is good for you - that's why you never did like the class action suits about it.