As it is now - I am in good health - as far as i know. I don't trust doctors and I feel a bad doctor caused my father's death when he was 48 and I was 8. So - maybe that colors my view of the world.
An average of 195,000 people in the USA died due to potentially preventable, in-hospital medical errors in each of the years 2000, 2001 and 2002, according to a new study... “The equivalent of 390 jumbo jets full of people are dying each year due to likely preventable, in-hospital medical errors, making this one of the leading killers in the U.S.”
Frankly - I want to be in control of my own health. I've heard far too many stories of people who knew they were seriously ill yet their doctors told them it is "nothing" and refused to give them the tests they knew they needed. Read Fran Dresher's story and it will make you cringe! I'd like to get a mammogram, colonoscopy, etc., on my own without going to a GP who then refers me to a clinic to get the screening. My Mother is older and she also has to get through the GP "gatekeeper" before she can get to the specialist she knew she needed to see in the first place.
Frankly, I don't think Doctor's always give the best advice. I'm old enough to remember when Doctor's told everyone to switch from butter to margarine. Very bad advice. When my mother had her first child she asked the doctor if it was OK to smoke while she was breast feeding and he said "just don't get ashes on the baby." Can you imagine? (They actually thought breast feeding was very old-fashioned and unnecessary with all the new formulas out!) Several doctor's wanted to put my mother on HRT decades after she went through menopause (so what's the point?) - and got mad when she refused. Years later HRT is in the press for all the health problems it causes. A friend of mine was a few pounds overweight and was given a diet pill by her doctor. That pill was off the market within a year for causing heart problems. Another friend's father fell from his boat and was released from the emergency room with several broken ribs - which later caused his death. If you listen to doctors, organic foods are not worth the extra cost. I could go on and on. If a doctor makes a mistake with my health - I'm dead and he still get's paid. Frankly - I don't trust them enough to let go of control to them.
Maybe the answer is just the option not to go through a GP if you would rather handle things on your own. We have the option to be our own building contractors. Even though most people would never want to handle the stress of building their own home - it is an option. Why can't some of us be our own GP's?